
You are currently viewing archive for September 2018
Category: Screens
Posted by: cataboligne
an interesting and dynamic cave

Reminds me of Indiana Jones, the first scene in Raiders.

I'm running all kinds of mods on here. I believe the resource pack is ornate in this screen.
This map has been run on at least 6 or more versions of minecraft.

On top of that, it has had at least 3 different seeds due to copying between world saves in beta 1.2.02.
So it has weirdness that I make an effort to continue. Recurrent complex is prob. my best mod for that.

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Category: Technical
Posted by: cataboligne
80s - woo hoo!    -----    * note did not make this

My thought is they meant color games on reasonably priced and relative "ease of use" home systems.

There are plenty of examples of B&W and text games. Some on mainframe and some on kit hardware.
They left out every pong system. The Magnavox odyssey as well.